Org Mode

This is Org mode

Org mode is a personal information management and outlining tool for tool.emacs. It is a tool.markup-language.


Headings are created using the * character, with one star beginning a first-level heading, two beginning a second-level heading.

Sub Heading

  1. Paragraph heading

    Paragraphs are the default element so any unrecognized content is a paragraph. Check out this radio link

Emphasis and Monospace

You can make words ’*bold*’, ‘/italic/’, ‘~underlined~_’, ‘=verbatim=’ and ‘~code~’, and, if you must, ‘+strike-through+‘. Text in the code and verbatim string is not processed for Org specific syntax; it is exported verbatim.


  1. Radio Link

    Org mode allows you to use a \<\<\<radio link>>> defined by three angle brackets. This link allows you to link other normal text back to a certain position. The document is scanned for radio links when it is first loaded up. This is different from a target link which is not linked unless you surround it by double square brackets [[]]. target link

  2. Targetted Link

    A \<\<target link>> is defined by two angle brackets.

  3. Internal Document Links

    [[]] surround internal document links. These will link to a heading, a target link, or a named code block.

Code Blocks

One of the coolest things about org-mode is that code can be stored alongside your code and executed live. You do this through code blocks. A code block is formed using the following syntax

echo "Hello World!"

The results can then be displayed in a results block like below.

Hello World!

These code blocks can directly influence the emacs writing environment by executing Elisp code. For instance this code block below will toggle

Subscript + Super Script

Entities are now displayed as UTF8 characters


According to the org mode spec, subscripts are made using the _ character; however I have found that curly brackets were necessary for it to recognize it. I also had to run org-toggle-pretty-entities for it to display. For example: test~5~


Much like a subscript, the format is the ^ character followed by the expression that should be superscripted in curly brackets. For example: 10^8^.

Other Symbols

You can use LaTeX like syntax to insert symbols π for example. These can be toggled back and forth by using org-toggle-pretty-entities.


  • Emacs for Writers


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